Who says paradise doesn´t exist?

Who says paradise doesn´t exist?

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Classroom Project



This is a summary of the assignment´s requirements. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Teams are made up of 4 people or specialists.  Each individual specialist has to write a report (individual reports / first drafts) about their specialty and share their information with the rest of the team.
Your final project should include:
1. 4 Individual Investigations (highlighted or underlined) with the investigator´s name on all pages
2. 4 Individual Reports with the author´s name (corrected individual first drafts)
3. Final Team Report
a) Introduction: What is light pollution? What was your assignment?
b) Body: Your report persuading local city government to pass an outdoor lighting ordinance to reduce light pollution (include 3 persuasive points, explain them well). Anticipate 3 possible objections and misconceptions and your response. Write a sample outdoor lighting ordinance (municipal government law that states what the problem is and your proposed solutions)
c) Conclusion: Say what you learned from working on this project
d) Glossary of important terms with pronunciation and definitions (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
4. Checklist. I will print this for you and make copies.
5. Present your lighting ordinance to the class (SPEAKING). Everybody should speak for 1 minute. No Reading.
6. Use a POSTER to help you make your presentation

Important Dates
First Drafts Due Wednesday March 28, 2012
Final Projects Due Monday April 9, 2012
Speaking / Posters Due Wednesday April 11, 2012

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Link to Project Classroom

Hello all :)

As some of you requested, here´s the link to the web quest page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I´ll be available tomorrow.


REMEMBER that your investigation (highlighted/underlined, individual) is due Friday March 23.
FIRST DRAFT (individual, original sentences) Wednesday, March 28.
FINAL DRAFT (team work) Friday, March 30.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Extra Practice for the Unit 1 Evidence

Hello all ;)

Here are some pages you can visit to practice the structures we´ve been working with.

Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Review the grammar and do exercises 7 and 9

Past Tenses
Review the grammar and do exercise 3, 5 and 16

Future Tenses


To practice your vocabulary, go to the New English File page and go to Vocabulary.
a. Food and Restaurants
b. Sport
c. Personality